Thursday, November 21, 2024

Can't get enough snow!

 The children wanted to continue playing with snow even though it was too cold outside and we decided to bring the snow inside to them to paint with water colors. They all sat and played for a very long time!

SC5.1 Demonstrate scientific curiosity

APL1.1 Demonstrate initiative and self-direction

CA3.1 Demonstrate creative expression through the visual art process or experience

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Snow Day!

 The children watched older kids play outside in the snow in the morning and expressed how much they wanted to do the same. Later today we also went out for about 10 minutes due to it being very cold but enjoyed it so much, most of the kids didn't want to come back in.

SC2.2 Recognize seasonal and weather related changes

SW1.1 Demonstrate self awareness and confidence

PHG2.2 Demonstrate development

of body awareness and physical
